The Passion and Resurrection of
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
Book Author William Barclay
Publisher Westminster John Knox Press
Pub. Year 1998/1975
Pages 123
Genre Devotional, Lent, Passion of
My Rating ♥♥♥♥♥ 
Ease of Read Thought provoking,
spiritually challenging
spiritually challenging
ISBN 0-664-25807-7
I was attracted to this book because...
To tell the truth, I don’t remember exactly what brought me to this book. I was looking for something to read for Lent last year.
This book was about...
the last days of Jesus’ earthly ministry with supporting passages from the four Gospels and a small reflective commentary for the forty days of lent plus Easter and two days afterwards.
Things I liked about this book...
I liked being able to focus on the last days of Jesus using this as guide leading up to my celebration of Easter. I was challenged daily by the spiritual insights William Barclay provided in his commentary. This helped me move into a more intimate relationship with Jesus during this holy season.
Why you should read this book...
Barclay will challenge and remind you that you have seen the Lord, too. Our experience should insight us to the same degree of urgency and excitement of the disciples to proclaim, He has risen indeed! to the world.
This book lived up to the back cover copy...
William Barclay has delightfully intertwined passages from the Gospels with his beautiful prose to walk one more time through Jesus’ last days. You will be engaged and refreshed.
Learn more about William Barclay