I would like to recommend one of my new writing friends new book, THIN PLACES. If you have ever wondered why there is a longing in you that you can fill you need to read this book. Here is my review of the book.


THIN PLACES is Mary DeMuth’s candid memoir of her life, where in spite of tragic events, she finds healing in the loving presence of God through our Lord Jesus in the ‘thin places’. Her words draw you into a sweet, though uncomfortable rapport as you turn the pages to find your heart broken along with hers and then restored again and again by the Great Spirit.


In the transparency of Mary’s heart felt story I saw a mirror of the story of my own life. My tragedies are not Mary’s nor would mine so clearly show the dichotomy of good and evil that Mary shares. However our souls do meet in that vast daddy/mommy-hole which nothing in our human world can fill.


This is the bittersweet truth that Mary’s book reveals to me. God innately fills us with this deep longing she calls the daddy-hole, a longing only he could fill. He gave us the most special of relationships - mother, father, child, spouse, as shadows of his love. As humans, instead of finding beauty in these, we find how much they fail. Our disappointment can turn to joy as we fill this longing through the love of Jesus.