together small

As I’m planning, two Matt Maher songs are on my mind. “Hold Us Together” really hits with my story. Maher tunes often come into my thinking during my planning process. 

As we are going through this difficult time, is there a song which has encouraged you. 

Respond to this email, or on my facebook page. 

Be safe and stay out of the heat. 

Lyndie Blevins

A Summary of the last week on The Sage Record 

My columns from Sage's Newspaper, The Sage Record from the last week

August, 2020

Adventures of My COVID-19 Rabbit Episode 139

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Seeking Sage Newsletter No. 2

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Adventures of My COVID-19 Rabbit Episode 140

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Adventures of My COVID-19 Rabbit Episode 141

Wednesday, 12 August 2020