Frank Ball of NTCW always encourages us to come home from a writing event with a list of things we’ve learned and want to incorporate into our writing experience. 



This morning I updated my ‘quotes’ data base with 2 new fields. 


Earlier this year, when I decided to start tweeting regularly, I created a ‘quote’ data base. I used Filemaker Pro 12 to create the database. This is a price software package, but I learned in my corporate IT life to get the best database software. My quotes database contained the following fields: date created, date modified, The Quote, Quote Author, and Quote Topics. This was adequate for my uses in twitter. 


This weekend we were reminded of the importance of being able to properly document information. I’m reading, Walking on Water by Madeleine L’Engle in which she admits she often jots down a quote she likes in her journal without the information and the problems it causes when she wants to use the information. 


I added two fields to my database to help with this problem: Book and page number. Since most of my initial collection has come from a couple of sources it has been easy to update the Book fields, pages will be a little harder.  

Walking on Water: Reflections on Faith and Art (Wheaton Literary Series)