Book Title PALE RIDER - The Spanish Flue of 1918 and How It Changed the World
Book Author Laura Spinney
Pub. Year 2017
Genre Non-fiction, History
My Rating 5 Stars
Ease of Read Moderate
ISBN 978-1-5417-3612-2
I was attracted to this book because… I’m interested in the impact of the Spanish Flu on my family in particular, but what we should have learned from it.
This book was about A history of the Spanish Flu of 1918 and it moved through the world and how the world reacted.
Things I liked about this book- Spinney provides factual information and stories of real people and their struggles in these times. It is very difficult to read how similar our reactions and experiences have been to this pandemic.
Why you should read this book - To learn all the things we should have been taught generation to generation to be prepared for our times. We are re-learning the hard way, everything our ancestors experienced.
This book lived up to the back cover copy - The information on the back cover is very revealing on the content of the book. She shows how this overlooked catastrophe that forever changed humanity.