By Lyndie Blevins on Wednesday, 06 November 2019
Category: The Sage Record

Book Review - People I Met at the Gates of Heaven

Book Title People I Met At The Gates of Heaven              

Book Author   Don Piper and Cecil Murphy  

Pub. Year 2018

Genre    Christian Living/Inspirational  

My Rating  

5 Stars

Ease of Read   extremely easy read  

ISBN   978-1-5460-1078-4  

I was attracted to this book because… As the sequel to 90 Minutes in Heaven, I know this was be satisfying and encouraging read. I’ve also followed Cec Murphy for many years and I always enjoy his writing. 


This book was about Don continues to share about his 90 minutes in heaven after a head-on collision. It has taken 15 years for Don to be able to share his joyous experience of being met by the people at heaven’s gate who were key to bringing him to know Jesus as his personal Savior. He also shared many questions and concerns people who asked in his 15 years of sharing his story. 


Things I liked about this book Don honestly, sometimes painfully, shared his life experiences through his loved ones and friends who were there to greet him. It is also a reminder of how important it is to share Jesus in your talk and the way you live Jesus.    

Why you should read this book If you have ever wondered what the first few minutes would be like after death, Don gives you great insight into his very short time. Since he didn’t make it pass the gates of heaven before he was called back to his life, there are still many mysteries unknown beyond the gates. 

If you ever wondered if you will make a difference in the world, Don’s story of how small actions in the lives of others, made his entrance into heaven a reality. 


This book lived up to the back cover copy As Michael W, Smith says on the back cover, ‘It’s a clear call to populate heaven.”


Don Piper

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