Book Title The Silver Chair
Book Author C. S. Lewis
Pub. Year 1953
Genre Fantasy
My Rating 5 Stars
Ease of Read Very easy with great meaning
I was attracted to this book because… Unfortunately, The Chronicles of Narnia didn’t make it to my local library when I was a child. I didn’t get to read them until I was in my late twenties. I’ve embarked on experiencing Narnia once again. This time, I read The Magician’s Nephew before The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The Horse and His Boy, Prince Caspian, The Voyage of The “Dawn Treader” and The Silver Chair. I went into this book with the fresh knowledge of how Narnia was created and some key information that allow pieces of the puzzle to come together from the beginning.
This book was about After a taunting experience in their school yard, cousin Eustace and his friend, Jill, are seeking an escape from their life. At the very moment they needed him, Aslan calls them to Nardia. Things are very different, evil has taken over the land. Aslan gives them four clues they rare to carefully follow to help rescue Narnia and Prince Rillan from the Emerald Witch. Aslan encourages Jill today the clues over and over so they won’t forget them. For a time, she and her companions remembered them, saying them over and over to each other. Until the day, they didn’t. And when they needed them, they had forgotten them. And the tasks they had been sent to do had become harder.
Things I liked about this book Once again, Aslan is always watching over them and guiding them. He tells them he won’t always be scolding them when they are with him forever.
Why you should read this book There are times when we all have disappointed God and forgotten the principles we have been taught. But there are always hope for the future.
This book lived up to the back cover copy "Here is your passport to a most extraordinary excursion into magical lands and enchanted happenings. If you’ve never been to Narnia, you can enter it for the first time with any of the books below…but once you start, you’ll want to read every one.” And from my experience you will want to return many times.
This is the order of reading, that those who have studied the Chronicles recommend you read them in. This order has increased my enjoyment and understanding.
- The Magician’s Nephew
- The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
- The Horse and His Boy
- Prince Caspian
- The Voyage of the “Dawn Treader”
- The Silver Chair
- The Last Battle