By Lyndie Blevins on Saturday, 06 August 2016
Category: The Sage Record

Transfiguration - Only Jesus

My calendar program says today (Aug 6) is day the Transfiguration took place. I have no idea how they calculated the date, but in honor of the day I want to share a poem I wrote a while back..

  Only Jesus

They climbed a mountain just to watch Him pray, 

Peter, James amd John fell asleep along the way.

Little did they know it would be a gospel tale 

For the Savior's glory was revealed that very day. 

A flash of light awoke them, and to their great surprise

Moses and Elijah were standing by His side

While talking of the days ahead, His journey to the cross

He changed into a glory that made the world seem lost.

Peter was excited, started building plans, 

But the kingdom he was seeing wasn't built by human hands,

Yet love started growing in Peter's heart that day,

For God's law and His prophets merged into the Way. 

Before their very eyes God's kingdom had appeared

And even God the Father joined in with His cheer,

"Listen to my Son, for His life I have ordained"

And when the Glory lifted only One could still remain.  

It was Jesus, only Jesus,

The vision of the prophets and answer to the law

Jesus, only Jesus 

Is the very face of God.

So, thank you Lord for Moses and Elijah, too. 

But most of all for knowing they would never do, 

Their laws and their visions taught us how to live,

but to save a soul as lost as mine, it took all He had to give.

It was Jesus, only Jesus,

The vision of the prophets and answer to the law

Jesus, only Jesus 

Is the very face of God.

Only Jesus

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