By Lyndie Blevins on Friday, 29 June 2012
Category: The Writing Life

Writing tips - North Texas Christian Writers Conference June 22-23, 2012

North Texas Christian Writers held their ninth conference this weekend. Frank Ball and his staff, especially Linda Franklin, did their normal excellent work in planning and executing the conference. 



This is not a conference for someone who is looking to promote their work. Writing is the heart of this conference. Agents and editors are not part of the conference facility. It was agony choosing the class for each session. Knowing the mp3s were available for an affordable price made the choices  acceptable. The faculty was outstanding. I almost hate to say anything about one or staff members, because it would sound like I was outing some. This is absolute not true. 


So let me list the faculty: Frank Ball, LaWanda Bailey, Lori Freeland, Dennis Hensley, Kathy Ide, Curt Iles, Lissa Halls Johnson, Henry McLaughlin, Steve Miller, DiAnn Mills, Marty Norman, John Savell, Vonda Skleton, Thomas Umstattd Jr., and Rusty Wright. 


What a group, you could not make a wrong decision for any hour.

A couple of quick notes - When I grow up I want to be just like Doc Hensley. I will go hear him speak any time I can. Rusty Wright open for me a path to how and the why of writing for secular publications. DiAnn Mills offers an intense Fiction workshop, which I have attended in the past and is an excellent time for fiction writers. 


I was very encouraged. As a regional event, it is a great time for Christian writers in the North Texas area to gather. 

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