Sage City Directory

The Sage Record

Lyndie Blevins blogging from Sage-Texas where you can expect greater things to come

E. Faye Paris 1927-2012

b2ap3_thumbnail_auntfaye-2006.jpgMy 80+ year old emailing Aunt Faye Paris passed away this week. In the last decade, I’ve bragged on her emailing so often. 


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Favored by Grace

One of the recurring themes at Aunt Faye’s service was our family being favored by grace. It was a message spoken by the pastor and in their own way each family member who spoke. 



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Farewell to a special lady

This afternoon we laid to rest my last great aunt. She was three weeks shy of her 102 birthday. 


When she was 90, I think, she gave her apartment and moved into a ‘retirement’ center where she became the life of the third floor. 

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Ouida Finch Peterson

Today one of my oldest (oldest in Lyndie time) friends is being laid to rest and my heart is for today breaking. 


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Dee Neathery Corkins- A special friend I lost this weekend

I lost my closest college friend, Dee, this weekend to cancer. Her passing has left me forlorn. We had one of those wonderful friendships that regardless of the time we were away from each other, we were able to connect as if no time had passed. 


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Geraldine Latitia Bishop Beavers 1930-2011

Today I’m joining with other believers to bring our final tribute to a dear, sweet lady. She was a true gentle spirit. She was faithful to her God, to her family and friends and freely made great sacrifices in her life for them.


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My Gray Pony

This weekend we laid to rest a long time family friend. She was a dear, sweet lady. I was asked to take part in the Eastern Star funeral service as the President. 


I was the first to speak from a written program to tell the story of my gray pony. When I was a very young child, the Pursley’s ran and 5 and dime store in Duncanville. They had a display case full of ceramic trinkets. Any time I went to the store, I stood in front of the display cabinet dreaming of being old enough to buy something from the cabinet. 

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In respect of Dorothy Height - this is significant


As a mark of respect for the memory of Dorothy Height, I hereby order, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, that, on the day of her interment, the flag of the United States shall be flown at half-staff at the White House and upon all public buildings and grounds, at all military posts and naval stations, and on all naval vessels of the Federal Government in the District of Columbia and throughout the United States and its Territories and possessions until sunset on such day. I further direct that the flag shall be flown at half-staff for the same period at all United States embassies, legations, consular offices, and other facilities abroad, including all military facilities and naval vessels and stations.

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In memory of my Uncle

I originnally wrote this in October after our family reunion. I am reposting it today in memory of My Uncle Ewing who passed away yesterday afternoon Tuesday, 2 Feb. 2009. My Aunt Faye is sitting next to him.


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Where We Are Located

Lyndie Blevins

P.O. Box 381029
Duncanville, Tx 75138