Sage City Directory

The Sage Record

Lyndie Blevins blogging from Sage-Texas where you can expect greater things to come

Writing tips - North Texas Christian Writers Conference June 22-23, 2012

North Texas Christian Writers held their ninth conference this weekend. Frank Ball and his staff, especially Linda Franklin, did their normal excellent work in planning and executing the conference. 


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Writing Tips - What I have implemented from the NTCW Conference

Frank Ball of NTCW always encourages us to come home from a writing event with a list of things we’ve learned and want to incorporate into our writing experience. 


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Writing for the soul conference

b2ap3_thumbnail_CWG-2012-1.JPGWriting for the Soul Conference.


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Where I belong...

The goal is not to bend or change ourselves so we fit the norm; the goal is to find the group in which we are the norm.  SImon Sinek


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One of my Thin Places

b2ap3_thumbnail_thin-space.JPGThere were many people, events and concepts which impacted me at this year’s conference. However the skies over Ghost Ranch held the greatest impact because of what it represented. The weather was outstanding, just a little colder than last year, but still very doable. Thursday afternoon there were some clouds and a few snow flurries. Otherwise, it was this deep blue color.


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The difference light makes

Friday night of the conference I had to come down from the mountain and drive to Albuquerque to attend a Saturday morning BSF leadership meeting.


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Tom Davis and Flip Cameras

During the Fiction Track, Tom Davis encouraged us to use flip camera during our research. I felt guilty, since I had never used my flip camera. I took it out of my bag and shot some footage of the beautiful sky. My panning is a little shaky, but maybe the beauty will make up for my inexperience. Do you have a gadget around the house that you've never used?


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The One Thing


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The 2010 CLASS Christian Writers Conference

The CLASSemniar Christian Writer's Conference was the reason I was in New Mexico. This was my second year to attend this conference.


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First Day of my trip Nov 8-9 2010


The drive to New Mexico is longer than one person can make in one day, but trying to wedge a week long trip between my BSF commitments is challenging. I left as soon as I could after my Monday night BSF class and drove to Wichita Falls. I find the hardest part of any trip is getting out the metroplex. While it might seem like I snuck out of town in darkness, this leg of the trip went well and got me on the road.



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What I did Monday

What I did Monday, Nov 15

This is awkward to talk about the end of the trip, first. but here we go...

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C. S. Lewis & CLASS Christian Writers Conference 2009

In November 2009, I attended 2 Christian Writers Conferences.


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Where We Are Located

Lyndie Blevins

P.O. Box 381029
Duncanville, Tx 75138